Monday, April 13, 2009

Polk Street School Honored for Recycling

Legislator Vincent Muscarella and Councilman Ed Ambrosino visited Polk Street School last week to honor our Compact Kids and their efforts in recycling plastic bottles. Each week these students are responsible for collecting plastic bottles and containers that have been deposited in special orange recycling bins for pick-up. Special thank you to Mr. Nick Martelli, from Sanitation District #6, for his help in organizing this project. As we celebrate Earth Day, Polk Street School reminds everyone to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Career Day 2009

On Friday, April 3rd, fifth and sixth grade students participated in Career Day. Sponsored by the PTA, and organized by Mr. Riccobono, students participated in workshops, wherein guest speakers shared information about their careers. Speakers were parents and relatives of our students. A classical singer, an aerobics instructor and a physicist were just a few of the career choices presented to students. Thank you especially to Mrs. Stollberger and Mr. Riccobono for all the work they did to make this day happen.