Monday, November 24, 2008


Welcome to the Polk Street School Blog. We have created a place where our community can come together to comment on the events happening at our school. Visit as often as you would like and let us know what you think!


  1. This could be an exciting place for teachers and students alike to come to share their views.

  2. I think this was a great idea! This is a fun way to show how we enjoy what is going on in the school.

  3. This is a great place to blog! It's cool!

  4. Thank you for the hard work that went into the creation of this new communication device - blog. I'm sure the kids will love it!!

  5. I really love the idea of having a forum where teachers, parents, and students can share why they love our school! It brings us closer together as a community.

  6. I enjoy this blog very much! I think that it shows people what we have been doing at school. I love posting what I think of the videos and achievments that we have made at Polk Street School! We would not have this wonderful blog without the help of Mrs.Hunt and Ms.Mazzonne. I hope to see more pictures and videos the next time I visit the blog! Thanks again to everyone who helped make this blog happen!
