Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Quarter Drive

The Polk Street School community demonstrated, once again, its generous spirit through the annual Thanksgiving Quarter Drive. Coordinated by our second grade, all classes in the school collected quarters, with the money donated to local families in need. A total of $1025.00 was collected. It seems that the entire community should be commended for "sticking our necks out for the common good". Thank you Polk Street School!


  1. Great job second grade students. You all really helped needy families in the area have a great Thanksgiving.

    Mrs. O'Neill

  2. We raised so much money with the Thanksgiving Quarter Drive. With the help of the second graders, Polk Street School was able to raise lots of money for needy families during the holidays. Maybe next year we can double what we raised this year! Keep up the good work everyone!

  3. That was a lot of money that the whole school rasied. A big thanks to Taylor in class 3G she raised over $80. So she really helped us a lot.
