Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Sixth Grade Erupts Volcanos!

Listen and watch as a group of sixth grade students share an exciting experience they had in the Science Lab.


  1. Wow that was really great espically for the voices in the backround Amy,Carly,Janelle, and Luke. It was really fun working on the voices in the Science Lab with Ms.Mazzone and Mrs.Krajci.

    - Amy Biscardi (one of the voices in the backround)

  2. The "volcano experience" is a favorite experiment among the sixth graders. As you can see they have fun while learning. Our science lab program gives students the opportunity to learn through hand on experiments which nurtures their natural curiosity. Thanks to our narrators and Ms. Mazzone for this posting.
    Mrs. Krajci

  3. Great job sixth graders! I hope you enjoyed making volcanoes and that you learned things from it!

  4. Way to go Amy, Carly, Janelle and Luke! Thank you for sharing information about our fun learning experience. Exploding the volcanoes is one of my favorite science experiments. Keep up the great work.

    - Mr. Trotta

  5. Great Job 6th graders!=]I am Lokking Foward To Doing This NEXT YEAR!!!!!

  6. it a very good project cause it give`s some experience of how volcano erupt and great job
    amy,janelle,luke,and carly
