Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day 2009

Spirits were soaring at Polk Street School on Inauguration Day 2009. Students in Kindergarten through sixth grade came together in classrooms throughout the building to view, many on interactive whiteboards, this historic event . Listen and watch as the staff and students at Polk Street School celebrate this proud moment in our nation's history. What advice do you have for our new president? Why don't you share your thoughts by posting a comment.


  1. An excellent recap of the day. I enjoyed seeing all of the smiling faces on Election day. Through the use of our interactive whiteboards the students were able to witness first hand a very important day in our country's history. They will have these memories to pass on to their children. The message from President Obama of a better America through hard work, sacrifice and commitment gives americans a genuine feeling of hope and renewal. Thank you Polk Street School for including the children in this historical event.

  2. That was excellent. It is so wonderful to see the children interested and excited about what is going on in our country. These whiteboards are trully amazing. This is something that THEY will never forget.

  3. That was EXCELLENT that will be a moment that the kid's who watched the Inauguration when Barack Obama was sworn in was really exciting. It will be a ay they never forget.

  4. I thought that it was an event to be remebered forever. My class is working on ways to help our environment becauae we want to make a difference just like President Obama is trying to do.

  5. I have a sense that Barack Obama will be a good president and lead us out of war.

  6. I hope the president is able to fulfill his promises to the United States. I wish him luck.

  7. Good luck in the coming years. I hope you can help to change the economy.
    James M. 5M

  8. I am happy that he has become our President. he is the first African American to hold this position. Good Luck!!!!!!!
    Chris A. 5M

  9. I hope that Obama will pursue all the things that he says that he will change! I think that he feels nervous being the president and that he deserves a chance! He made history being the first African American to become President and that is an honor.

  10. It was really great to be able to watch the Inauguration with our first graders on our activboard. They will be able to look back on this day and remember how they got the opportunity to witness history in the making. Thank you to the district for giving us the technology to make this possible! Love, Class 1BF

  11. What an amazing day that was! It was so exciting to watch history in the making. I am sure that this experience is one that Polk Street's students will never forget!

  12. I think it was awesome that they were able 2 show the children the history in the making!!! WAY 2 GO
