Friday, March 27, 2009

Polk Street School Wellness March

As fitness month winds down, staff and students at Polk Street School participated in a Wellness March. All took a walk around the block and then gathered on the blacktop to make a lifetime commitment to fitness and "seal it" by blowing bubbles into the air. Enjoy this short video that highlights the events of the afternoon. What is your commitment to fitness?


  1. The Wellness March was realy fun and I had a lot of fun each Friday going out and excrising. Also the fruits on Wednesday was really good and I think we should have a fruit like that on a daily basic.

    - Amy Biscardi 6T

  2. Wow! What a great day! It capped off an awesome month of fun activities that helped us to make some healthy changes to our lifestyle. I have a feeling this is only the beginning for PSS! Thank you, Ms. Mazzone for catching the fun on tape! -Mrs. Sorge

  3. Carmela D'Arienzo 4DApril 6, 2009 at 4:30 PM

    That was an awsome video. That was really a good way to end March with.....A MARCH!

  4. I LOVE IT!!!!
    mary samson

  5. the march looks fun even though i did not watch the whole thing .....ITS GREAT
