Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eating Healthy with Mrs. Landsman's Class

Mrs. Landsman's sixth grade class continued their committment to fitness with "Healthy Snack Day". On Tuesday, May 12th, each student brought in a creative, healthy snack to share with their classmates. The tasty delicacies included Brownie Surprise, made with semi-sweet chocolate and carrot puree, Spinach Muffins, and Strawberry Bars. The students and their teacher, and even the Assistant Principal, sampled many of the treats. All agreed that healthy can still be delicious!


  1. Way to go 6L!!!!! Still keeping that promise to fitness. I can't wait to see if I have to do that project when I do health. Keep healthy and have some good HEALTHY snacks.

    - Amy Biscardi 6T

  2. We had so much fun! I thank all the parents for their help! Bon Appetite!

  3. i was abpsent :( but it was probably fun !

  4. Gabrielle Amster 6LMay 30, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    I had a lot of fun making a healthy snack. Mine was easy to make and tasted very good!!!!

    - Gabrielle Amster 6L
