Sunday, May 3, 2009

Polk Street School's Book Swap

On April 29th and 30th, Polk Street School held its second annual Book Swap during each recess period. In the weeks preceding the event, students brought in "gently used" books from their home collections to donate. On the days of the Book Swap, students then selected "new " books to take home. They were allowed to take the same number of books they had brought in. Once again, the program was a success, promoting reading and providing excitement for students. Thank you to all on Polk Street School's Building Team, especially Mrs. Cartelli and Mrs. Cosgrove, for organizing the event, and thank you also to the many parent volunteers.


  1. The book swsp was so mcuh fun!!!!! I hope even though I won't be there next year they do it again. Also by being a Compact Kid it was even more fun becuase we got to sort books during our lunch period. It was very fun working with the Compact Kids, Mrs.Hunt, Mrs.Cartelli, and last but not least Mrs.Cosgrove!!!!

    - Amy Biscardi 6T

  2. although i couldn't be at the book swap the feedback i received was FANTASTIC!!!!!way to go PSS, and thank you ms. hunt, ms. mazzone, mrs. cartelli, and mrs. cosgrove....great minds working together to create great things for children!

  3. the book swap was a huge sucess! thank you compact kids for sorting out all those books and all the parent volunteers helping each child find that special book. ms hunt and ms. mazzone a special thank you for putting smiles on all our childrens faces.great job polk street!
